normal vs. remarkable

For $7.99, you can get a sandwich from a convenience store or a local grocery. For the same price, one sandwich is just a sandwich, while the other is remarkable.

The sandwich from a convenience store is wrapped in a plastic wrapper with a price sticker on the top. You grab it and pay at the cashier. Everything is what you expect the way it is.

Instead of being wrapped with a plastic wrapper, a sandwich at the local grocery store is freshly made and placed on a right-sized parchment paper. After you choose your sandwich, the assistant behind the counter asks if you prefer to eat it hot or cold. You love hot sandwiches, and the one you choose would be great toasted. The assistant carefully times the toaster and places the sandwich in. In the meantime, he asks if you would like to try some salad or soup and recommends the best combination to his knowledge. You are hungry today and decide to include the soup in the order.

As you walk out with your lunch in hand, a smile lights up your face. It's not just about the delicious lunch, it's about the feeling that someone cares about you. That connection, that personal touch, makes that sandwich remarkable.

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