enjoyment culture

Enjoyment is a cultural style among eight organizational cultures, such as caring and results cultures.

In every business, caring and results cultures are a necessity. Owners care enough to start a business and want it to be successful by generating results for customers and themselves.

Enjoyment culture is characterized by having fun and excitement. People who create a culture of enjoyment bring light-heartedness to the environment and encourage others to act spontaneously and with a sense of humor. Even though this cultural style brings out the bright side of our emotions, like the other cultural styles, it has drawbacks.

When overemphasizing doing what we want and spontaneity, we might lose sight of discipline, consistency, and hitting the goals.

Our culture indeed need to reflect our personal preferences, but it’s also true that intentionally fulfilling the business promise requires a clear boundary and understanding between self-serving and serving others.

The purpose of organizational culture should be a driving force instead of a barrier.

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