body movement

This is the first of three blogs in the mini series called “returning to the basics” in the post pandemic era: body movement, food, fun.

When is your last workout? Today, yesterday, last week, last month…

Body movement such as exercise, dance, outdoor activities are essential for human well-being but harder to do in our culture and society. They often require time, money, transportation, and are inaccessible for many.

If we could change the status quo and make it accessible for more people, opportunities are abundance.

Clearing out a public place, playing music and inviting everyone to join and dance may not be normal unless it’s Time Square in New York City, but this can be done if someone leads and enough people follow.

Inviting children and families go to school earlier and leading a simple morning exercise before school starts is not normal, but this can be done if schools values body movement and the spirit of community.

Or joining an exercise group in the local community…

When we return to the basics after the long pandemic and heal, finding the others to exercise, dance and simply move the body is one way to change our culture.

Check out my upcoming podcast!
The "Duct Tape Rocket Ship" Podcast thumbnail.