before vs. after

It helps when we devise a strategy to handle a crisis and correct the course. But when we have the opportunity, it is better to implement the strategy before the crisis occurs.

Planning not only demonstrates our experience with the work but also ensures that we have the much-needed empathy in place before we jump on the new adventure and serve the audience.

If we were in their shoes, what would we expect to happen?

The warm and welcoming feeling is one thing. The desired results that we crave but have no idea what they look like are another. The challenge spelled out and acknowledged by those who care about us makes us feel genuinely seen and understood. The value and belief alignment we agree on but have never spoken aloud gives us further confidence to join the force.

Putting empathy and clarity ahead helps everyone in the long run.

Check out my upcoming podcast!
The "Duct Tape Rocket Ship" Podcast thumbnail.